Enforce comprehensive keyof array in Typescript

I had a situation where I wanted to ensure an array of keyof T included all keys of that interface. This could be useful in situations where you need to keep some runtime type information in sync with a compile-time interface.

Here’s the exact code in question, but this trick could be applied to other situations. In this situation, I want to normalize a notifier object. It may or may not contain any number of callbacks; I need to replace all the missing ones with noop functions. Otherwise I’ll get runtime errors when I try to fire those callbacks elsewhere.

function createNotifier<T, Key extends keyof T>(n: T | undefined): never;
function createNotifier<T, Key extends keyof T>(n: T | undefined, ...keys: Array<Key>):  keyof T extends Key ? Required<NonNullable<T>> : never;
function createNotifier(n: any, ...keys: any) {
    const n2 = n ? n : {} as any;
    for(const key of keys) {
        if(!n2[key]) n2[key] = noop as any;
    return n2 as any;

The function accepts an array of keyof T. To prove that this array is comprehensive (doesn’t omit any properties) I use a conditional type in the return. Basically I flip the extends backwards: keyof T extends Key instead of Key extends keyof T. If that check fails, the function returns never which is sure to show up as an error elsewhere in my code. I suppose I could also return "error": "HELPFUL ERROR MESSAGE"}

Multiple function signatures are necessary to account for the case where zero keys are passed to the function. In that case, inference sets Key equal to keyof T, which allows our validation in the second function signature to erroneously pass. We avoid that by adding the first function signature. If zero keys are passed, the function returns never.


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